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INNO-LOKŪ Zipper Suppliers. INNO-LOKŪ Pre-Zippered Film machines produced by Hudson-Sharp, supply your packaging customers with VALUE ADDED
INNO-LOKŪ - Hudson Sharp
inno lok zipper
INNO-LOKŪ - Hudson SharpInno-LokŪ Zipper Rollstock, Pour & Lok™.
Inno-Lok pre-zippered films and roll stock provide a unique reclosable bag eliminating the need for inefficient inline zipper systems.

Inno-Lok Ū Pre-applied Zipper. Inno-LokŪ pre-zippered film is a patented product and method for attaching reclosable fasteners to rollstock used for flexible packaging.
Within our extensive line of innovative and highly specialized packaging options, Flexaco offers Inno-LokŪ and Pour & Lok™ rollstock packaging.
With INNO-LOKŪ machines by Hudson-Sharp, the Fresh-LockŪ zipper is pre-applied to roll stock by the film converter for both front pull tab and bag-top designs.
INNO-LOKŪ Technology. Pre-Zippered Film. In 1997 The Hudson-Sharp Machine Company introduced INNO-LOKŪ and literally changed the way zippers are applied to packaging.
Inno-Lok Ū Pre-applied Zipper - TechniPac.
INNO-LOKŪ - Hudson Sharp
Open up the marketing power of resealable Inno-Lok Ū pre-zippered rollstock! Inno-Lok Ū pre-zippered film is a process for attaching recloseable zippers to Form
Fresh-LockŪ INNO-LOKŪ Zippers | Fresh Lock
Ampac Adds Inno-LokŪ and Pour & Lok Zipper.
inno lok zipper
Inno-LokŪ Zipper - Techflex Industrial.